The H1N1 pandemic has made headlines and caused our population to erupt with mild hysterics and paranoia. Immunization with the proper vaccine is supposed to keep us from suffering the ill effects of the newest strain of flu. Shortage of the vaccine, long line-ups for the shots and many other "issues" with government and the health regions' roll out of the immunization has people freaked out.
Influenza is nasty and people have died. But common-sense preventative measures can help protect almost all of us. Wash your hands. Self-isolate if you're sick. (More advice if you Google Health Canada!) Eventually everyone who chooses to be immunized will have the opportunity to do so.
Wouldn't it be nice if there were a vaccine to prevent stress? Or overwork? Other hurts?
I've spent time with a variety of friends the past several weeks. Several are really struggling... overwhelmed with financial, relational, physical and emotional circumstances. Ouch.
My own life is complicated by lack of sleep, multiple responsibilities and a certain restlessness that hits each year at this time.
So, how do I help my friends? What steps do I take to protect myself and adjust my schedule to allow for rest and refreshment and reflection?
God's prescription for peace is to praise and pray - about everything!!! He sees the big picture. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. When we ask for wisdom, He answers.
Is it always easy to turn to God first? Nope. His spotlight focuses on areas in my life that need to be surrendered... and I will always struggle with letting go of my "illusion" of control. But wow - the blessings of obedience. The joy in His presence. Trusting. It just doesn't get any better.