Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Feeling Squeezed

Without being whiny, once again, my schedule contains commitments and assignments with rapidly approaching due dates. I should be used to this, it's nothing new, but exhaustion is setting in. I'm not sure how to get it all done.

Today I decided that one solution would be to find a bride. Strange statement for a heterosexual female, I know. But a stay-at-home wife would solve a bunch of my problems. The cleaning, the laundry, the cooking, the companionship...

Before we delve into the whole women's lib thing and submission and crazy talk about marital relationships that I have no clue about, let me explain why I think a "wife" is a good thing.

My Mom is my role model and she was and is a help-meet for my Dad, who worked outside of the home and brought home the bacon. My parents will be married 50 years in a few months. They love each other and laugh and disagree and work together and make all kinds of sacrifices for their kids and grandkids.

Mom and Dad met in Teachers' College and taught together until I was born. Then Mom became the unpaid labourer who cheerfully managed the household and cared for us kids. Dad was often gone with school teams and church responsibilities, and Mom found ways to serve the community too. Proverbs 31 talks about the woman of noble character. That's Mom.

So, when I talk about needing a wife, that's the kind of person that could make a huge impact in my world. And when I think about Mom, that's the kind of woman I want to be. Someone skilled in the household arts, and willing to sacrifice for the good of the family. Someone energetic and persevering and loving. Someone with the heart of God.

I know a wife (or husband for that matter) won't solve my problems. The deadlines are mine, and I can ask for help or prioritize and then just do my best with a cheerful heart. In the meantime, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength!"

Time to run - the laundry's finished...


  1. Great thoughts. I've come to the conclusion that I need a wife too!!
    Hope you have a great day!

  2. Hilarious post. Keep your eyes open for me too - Brendan seems to have allergies to all things housework.

  3. I did get my laundry started, and purchased groceries last night. Maybe it's just a matter of pacing myself. Thanks for weighing in.
