I met with my financial guy yesterday. Numbers are not my thing, so I'm happy to have an advisor. I've tried to be responsible with my money, but mostly what is earned gets spent. I'm not crazy about debt, but with a mortgage and vehicle, well... I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go.
It turns out that I will need to keep working and contributing to pension plans for the foreseeable future in order to fund a long and happy retirement. Early retirement will not be in my vocabulary.
As I left the meeting, I told my CFP that it would be easier to marry a millionaire than keep working to support myself. He laughed and asked, "How's that working for you?" Very Dr. Phil of him, don't you think?
Well, money isn't everything. My needs have all been met. My wants are just that - wants. And God knows about them too.
My future? In God's hands. I don't know how much time I'll have. Worry is a waste of time. Facing cancer was a harsh reality check that life and death are out of my control. In weak moments, I organize and plan as though I have some control, but I don't.
So... I'll work to improve my financial situation, but live with my hands open. You can't take "it" with you. And the Bible reminds me that our Heavenly Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He's got more than enough to take care of me just fine.
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