Monday, June 15, 2009

Wanted: A Little Good News

I love getting mail. Snail mail, email... it's a daily surprise. I don't even mind receiving bills. It reminds me that I've enjoyed purchasing things and have the benefit of a cozy home and convenient utilities.

Sometimes the mail brings an encouraging note. Or communication from friends across the continent. Other days you get bad news. Or the inevitable junk mail. (I have a minor magazine addiction, but that's another story!)

My spam catcher delivered the weekly batch for review this morning. Occasionally good emails get trapped here, but not today. All garbage. Multiple viruses that could have trashed my computer.

Total strangers devise nefarious schemes to lure us to get rich or sexy or healthy online. Instead, a bad decision... one wrong click and... destruction.

Today the world saw a different kind of destruction. My friend's colleague was kidnapped and then killed overseas. We won't ever know all the details of this horrendous event, but evil people succeeded in purposeful destruction of nine lives.

This bad news has made the front page all over the world. The really sad thing is that this type of incident is almost commonplace... until it happens to someone you know.

I'd like to see websites and newspapers and other media focus on good news for a change. But for that to happen, the world needs to be at peace. And that's not going to happen unless we make new choices.

To end oppression and injustice. To exercise love and compassion. To embrace God and live according to His standards.

Angels brought the good news of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem so long ago. Peace on earth, good will to men... a message still applicable today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your blog with me! Some more good news is that His Mercies are new every morning and He remains Faithful! Have a good day filled with His peace and joy promised to us while we're still in this crazy world!
