Thursday, November 5, 2009

Public Panic

The H1N1 pandemic has made headlines and caused our population to erupt with mild hysterics and paranoia. Immunization with the proper vaccine is supposed to keep us from suffering the ill effects of the newest strain of flu. Shortage of the vaccine, long line-ups for the shots and many other "issues" with government and the health regions' roll out of the immunization has people freaked out.

Influenza is nasty and people have died. But common-sense preventative measures can help protect almost all of us. Wash your hands. Self-isolate if you're sick. (More advice if you Google Health Canada!) Eventually everyone who chooses to be immunized will have the opportunity to do so.

Wouldn't it be nice if there were a vaccine to prevent stress? Or overwork? Other hurts?

I've spent time with a variety of friends the past several weeks. Several are really struggling... overwhelmed with financial, relational, physical and emotional circumstances. Ouch.

My own life is complicated by lack of sleep, multiple responsibilities and a certain restlessness that hits each year at this time.

So, how do I help my friends? What steps do I take to protect myself and adjust my schedule to allow for rest and refreshment and reflection?

God's prescription for peace is to praise and pray - about everything!!! He sees the big picture. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. When we ask for wisdom, He answers.

Is it always easy to turn to God first? Nope. His spotlight focuses on areas in my life that need to be surrendered... and I will always struggle with letting go of my "illusion" of control. But wow - the blessings of obedience. The joy in His presence. Trusting. It just doesn't get any better.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

History Lessons

Ever had a season where life gets in the way of the things you really want to do? As you can tell, I've been lax in my blogging. When a cousin pointed out that we're now less than three months away from Christmas, I thought it was high time to get back to work here.

I can't say there's been nothing profound to share... lots has happened that I could be writing about. I've been busy, for sure. Training for my run/walk, work projects and a new obsession - editing my grandfather's memoirs. Gramps has been gone for awhile now, but left us a draft version of his life's story.

It's been very interesting reading what Grandpa felt was important enough to tell his kids and grandkids. I've learned a lot about our family tree, although at times it gets confusing. Several Heinrichs in both his dad's and mom's families and they all lived in the same community. I've started quizzing my father to get clarification on the connections. There is only one surviving sister-in-law in Grandpa's generation.

I was the oldest grandchild and had the most time with my grandparents. They loved God and served Him faithfully. I remember them as ordinary people who loved to laugh and who rose above difficult circumstances throughout their lifetime.

Grandpa wrote most about his childhood and then his ministry as a pastor. The little he says about his kids... my dad, aunt and uncle... seems to be an afterthought! I know he loved them, but he assumes that they will each write their own memoirs, and then their story will be told.

At any rate, I want to decipher his story and add some pictures and have copies made for my extended family. I think it's important to understand history and celebrate the uniqueness that is part of our makeup.

The Old Testament is our spiritual history - the men and women who loved God and followed Him. I've spent some time reading the minor prophets, and while it's easy to get bogged down with the unfamiliar family connections, there are great lessons to be learned. To see how God, our heavenly Father, worked in their lives... to know that He's still working today... wow. There is much to celebrate!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Coffee Cravings

I'm a latecomer to the joys of coffee... it's become a daily "must have" beverage! Getting my own brew ready before leaving the house doesn't happen often, especially because I like to sit and savour the warmth and flavour.

Therefore, I allow myself the occasional cup of java at Tim Horton's... drive through of course, because I'm running late. Some mornings the line-up is just ridiculous. Seems half the world is fixated on caffeine - and likely can't survive without it.

Psalm 42:1 tells us that our souls long for God in the same way a deer pants for water... or the way humankind craves caffeine!

What if my pursuit of God was on par with my obsession for the perfect cup of dark roast coffee?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flying High

Yesterday I experienced our beautiful community from the co-pilot's seat of a little Cessna. The weather was perfect and visibility was great. My pilot friend was practically giddy as we cruised along at 2,900 feet... We've had crazy amounts of rain and the aircraft had been out of commission pending the arrival of a new engine, so it had been awhile since he'd been out in his toy!

Several things left an impression on me after our adventure:
1. Familiar places can be unrecognizable from a different vantage point and everything is tiny!
2. There is a certain amount of faith required to get off the ground.
3. Pilots need the current data and wisdom of air traffic controllers.
4. Even though it's high-speed travel, there is also a feeling of suspension in time.

Sadly, a flight instructor and passenger from our little airport were killed in a crash last night. Two families are grieving today. Life is unpredictable and you never know which moment will be your last.

I'm grateful for the safe and enjoyable flight with my friend. The new perspective is valuable:
1. God has the big picture view of my little world and is more than capable of meeting my needs.
2. Only faith in Him will get me soaring.
3. God's the one who provides guidance if I'm tuned in and listening.
4. Though our tendency is to fly through the day at high speed, it's important to savour each moment and make the most of each opportunity.

Jesus, help me fly...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Huffing and Puffing

As an almost two-year cancer survivor it's been important for me to take part in fundraising for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's CIBC Run for the Cure. The Running Room has hosted a Survivor's Clinic so us girls who have had challenges with our "girls" can learn to run 5 kilometres and prepare for race day.

My natural tendency is to spare my heart, lungs and legs of any exertion... this tendency has distressed my doctors, so this spring I have taken steps (pun intended) to get more active and also shed excess weight.

Running is not yet fun. I have to choose to make the time, grab my shoes, and prepare to sweat. Huffing and puffing is practically mandatory at this stage. Still, there is something nice about shimmying into some pants that used to be tight. When you see results, it makes the effort more reasonable.

I must press on. I want to achieve the goal and run well - physically and spiritually. Discipline: a necessity to "run the race" and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Holiday ABC's

1. Extra sleep – staying in pj’s and then napping was awesome!
2. Yard improvements and household reorganization – mulch added, grass planted, garage access re-done, sorting and shredding files.
3. Progress on crocheting projects – Katie’s baby afghan is looking good.
4. Time for leisure reading – several new books captured my attention.

1. Fun with family – nephews and nieces especially, sleepover and movie included.
2. Bliss of unscheduled evenings – I love my extra-curricular activities, but sometimes it’s just too much after a full day of work.
3. Great weather – freedom to enjoy the out of doors, and then come inside to air-conditioning.
4. Good health – the ability to work hard and play hard should not be taken for granted.

Core Truths
1. Everyone needs time away from work and routines – the office was fine without me!
2. Life is short and adventure is found everywhere – take advantage of opportunities to try new things.
3. Despite what home-improvement shows preach, you can be content with less – and most of us have too much!
4. My God provides all I need – prayers are answered in His good time, and I can rely on His doing what’s best for me... today and always.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sucking It Up

In the past 10 days I've had stomach flu and a back spasm. Not at the same time, but one after the other. I took less than a half day off of work to suffer at home. Because I'm stubborn and also stupid and work alone, being at work and feeling miserable wasn't a huge deal.

I must admit that by the fourth day of "sucking it up" and being a grown up, I was ready to be sucky and just wanted to cry. You can't die from having an upset stomach, but I really wanted to curl up in the fetal position and feel sorry for myself.

Since "the cancer" any new physical ailments give me pause... did we miss any of those crazy cells during treatment? Where might they take hold next? What would it feel like if???? Why is it so easy to worry?

Although I'm healthy again, my brain gets funky when I'm tired. It will help to rest and break routine with my holidays that start in 2 days! Hopefully I can take steps to achieve balance between work, rest and play. I'm looking forward to tackling some projects, hanging out with friends and family, and reading some new books.

I KNOW that all my days are in God's hands. I BELIEVE that He's healed me. There is REST in Him and it is sweet.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Party Time

Yesterday I had the opportunity to celebrate the birthdays of two of my four nephews - ages 13 and 5. It was a really quick visit. (Today they hit the road for holidays.) My gifts were a "hit" and Grandma had cake and candles... necessary ingredients for a good family party. I enjoyed all the hugs!

Tomorrow my parents mark their 49th wedding anniversary. I marvel at their "discussions" that seem complicated even about simple things. Yet, they communicate with love and it works for them.

Marriage has thus far eluded me, and I relish my aloneness. Even contemplating the effort it must take to maintain or grow an intimate relationship boggles my mind. However, I digress.

Where I was going... was that marriages that last should be celebrated. Generally my folks take the opportunity to watch Canada Day fireworks as part of their anniversary celebration. They won't eat cake. Mom is watching her weight and Dad is diabetic. Perhaps a special dinner or a bouquet of roses will be part of the ritual tomorrow.

Today my country celebrated its birthday. A mere 142 years old. The televised ceremony from Parliament Hill was quite something. Not necessarily my choice of music, but the dignitaries always interest me.

I've experienced some of the protocol required for working with the Governor General... and a few years ago it was my privilege to assist at an event with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

These people are honoured for their position. They certainly hold some power in the world... but they are only human. To me, respect is one thing. Honour - that's reserved for God.

I'm convinced that God appreciates a good celebration. King David danced to express joy or victory in battle. We need to acknowledge the abundant life we have in Christ. It's time for a party!

Friday, June 26, 2009


This week saw the deaths of Ed McMahon, Farrah (Angel) Fawcett and Michael (King of Pop) Jackson... famous people that many felt they knew... celebrities.

I grew up aware of these people, but I'm not feeling any particular loss. I suppose there is some sympathy for Fawcett's family and friends, but that's more because of the common bond of cancer and the firm hope that the disease is not what ends my life.

What really strikes me about these deaths is what has been revealed about Michael Jackson. The lengths he went to in order to cover his pain and find meaning in life are truly disturbing. The drugs, surgeries, self-indulgence... the poor guy was seriously unhappy. All the fame and money in the world can't buy you love or contentment.

Another thing about celebrity: how do you conduct your life under a microscope? The paparazzi would make me crazy. Everything scrutinized and recorded on film... yikes! What does it say about us that we care what the "stars" are wearing, eating or driving? We drive the feeding frenzy.

I know there are many times when I wish I were more popular, or had extra money for luxuries, but would that make me happier? I doubt it. My life is good. I know who I am and that I am loved. I have all I need... food, shelter, and work to do.

God's love is all encompassing. A relationship with Him fills those empty spaces and makes the need for "stuff" and adoration from people unnecessary. We can be completely content in Him.

Something else: God is omniscient. He knows everything about me - the good, the bad, and the ugly. My thoughts, actions, fears, and dreams. Nothing is hidden from Him. STILL... He loves me. And offers forgiveness. I'm an ordinary girl, but a child of the King of Kings!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stuff 'n Things

Today I won a free book from Bonnie Grove! It's called "Talking to the Dead" and I can't wait to get started. Bonnie made several presentations at the writers' conference I attended recently. Her humour, passion and advice was one of the reasons I started this blog... just to see if I could really get into writing. One thing she preaches is that writers also need to be readers - and that's me. I read voraciously, even when I don't really have time to! Check out Bonnie's blog at

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?" Thanks for asking. My little plants are doing beautifully! Multi-coloured blossoms welcome me each time I step outside. My tomatoes need to sprout a bit more to make use of their cages, but it will be fun harvesting the fresh fruit later this summer. I also purchased a combination swing/daybed for my backyard. With imagination, it feels like another universe for a few hours.

This weekend my Dad fulfilled a dream of his by purchasing a pretty red used dirt bike! He's looking forward to going out riding with my brother and the grandkids this summer. Dad will celebrate his 70th birthday in August. He had tuberculosis as a kid and wasn't expected to live past age two. I sure hope he stays safe (and that my Mom doesn't worry too much) but he definitely sets a strong example that you're never too old to try something new. If the bike is like past "toys" he'll spend more time fixing it than driving it!

Fresh face to the world - isn't it amazing what a good hair cut will do? My friend and hairdresser fit me in at noon today. I was feeling shaggy and unkempt but she fixed me right up. Of course tomorrow I'll have trouble recreating "the look" but I enjoy the challenge of getting all those hairs to cooperate.

Grieving friends have filled my heart today. One lost a son way too young. The other mourns her mother. There is no way to fill the void left by these precious family members. Caring requires seasons of compassionate action, a simple presence and praying always. I am so grateful that my family remains intact... and that my Heavenly Father is a God of comfort.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wanted: A Little Good News

I love getting mail. Snail mail, email... it's a daily surprise. I don't even mind receiving bills. It reminds me that I've enjoyed purchasing things and have the benefit of a cozy home and convenient utilities.

Sometimes the mail brings an encouraging note. Or communication from friends across the continent. Other days you get bad news. Or the inevitable junk mail. (I have a minor magazine addiction, but that's another story!)

My spam catcher delivered the weekly batch for review this morning. Occasionally good emails get trapped here, but not today. All garbage. Multiple viruses that could have trashed my computer.

Total strangers devise nefarious schemes to lure us to get rich or sexy or healthy online. Instead, a bad decision... one wrong click and... destruction.

Today the world saw a different kind of destruction. My friend's colleague was kidnapped and then killed overseas. We won't ever know all the details of this horrendous event, but evil people succeeded in purposeful destruction of nine lives.

This bad news has made the front page all over the world. The really sad thing is that this type of incident is almost commonplace... until it happens to someone you know.

I'd like to see websites and newspapers and other media focus on good news for a change. But for that to happen, the world needs to be at peace. And that's not going to happen unless we make new choices.

To end oppression and injustice. To exercise love and compassion. To embrace God and live according to His standards.

Angels brought the good news of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem so long ago. Peace on earth, good will to men... a message still applicable today.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Ever feel like you're drowning?

Work and volunteer projects have kept me treading water this past while. Just when I thought things were under control, something new popped up to create challenges that must be overcome. In the midst of this, my emotional state was as up and down as turbulent seas.

Yesterday though, my parents spent the day with me... and with their able and persistent help, the burden of a major job was lifted. Finished. Done. Off my desk. YAHOO!!!

I'm not sure what I would have done without Mom and Dad. What great lifesavers! Our relationship is close and loving. They live within easy driving distance and are always willing to "go the extra mile" for me and my brothers.

Not everyone can brag about their folks. Some of my friends are from broken homes or are orphaned. Or their family relationships are completely messed up. I am very, very blessed.

God is known as our Heavenly Father. He is also my Saviour... my spiritual lifesaver. I'm safe, no matter what storms come my way. For that, I am very grateful.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dandelions and Dirty Hands

Tonight I faced my nightmare and spent 2 hours tackling my blooming back yard. I was exhausted after a busy day at the office, but the dandelions appeared ready to do a stealth attack under the fence and into my neighbour's garden.

Despite missing one garden glove, I spent time on my hands and knees to get to the root of the problem. Pesky weeds. They had no intention of being being eliminated. My stubbornness kept me going until I'd filled 4 buckets for the composter.

It was a relief to come inside and wash my filthy hands. It took several tries. The use of a nail brush and plenty of soap. Now the soil and weed juice is finally out from under my fingernails. Perhaps some lotion will soothe the roughness away.

Hands can say a lot about a person. Soft and gentle. Caring hands. Calloused and strong. Working hands.

Jesus' hands... rough from carpentry. Nail-scarred from His sacrifice on the cross. Reaching out to all of us in love. Healing hands. Holding mine in His each day.

I want my hands to look like that...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Blessings

The weekend is winding down and I've enjoyed the change of pace.

Being lazy yesterday was just what the Dr. ordered. This morning I enjoyed church and reconnecting with friends. Took care of some errands this afternoon and then the "parental unit" came to take me for supper and a drive.

It was a good day!

Nothing significant took place and yet... there is so much to be grateful for.

1. People who love me. Encourage and accept me.
2. Health to enjoy whatever the week brings.
3. Freedom to worship. Praising God through song.
4. Connecting in community.
5. Cleansing rain - literally and spiritually.

The week ahead will be busy. But I want to take this feeling of peace and rest with me. To remember how faithful God is. To trust Him in all the hard things. To praise Him no matter what. To pace myself and find balance in His strength.

I must choose joy... and focus on the many undeserved blessings I enjoy on a daily basis. The "attitude of gratitude" is a good prescription for life.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy At Home

Summer television seems to rely heavily on reality shows.

The only ones I watch are the crazy do-it-yourself renovation type series. Or folks jumping into their first home purchase. You watch them try to make the huge decisions about location, price, size, and must-have features.

It's bizarre how I find myself rooting for these strangers to succeed in these ventures.

Nothing comes easily in renovating. Problems are discovered. Compromises are made. Cost overruns are standard. Then the cameras come back months later when they've settled in and voila, everything is amazing.

If only it were that simple. I've never been able to snap my fingers and have rooms accessorized instantly. Even simple decisions such as purchasing a $12 item for the bathroom can cause me stress. Is it necessary? Do I really love it? How much other stuff would require updating if I add this lamp? Shelf? Pillow?

Our quest for "things" literally fills in the quiet spaces. There is a North American discontentment that is visible every time you go to the mall. We generally have way more stuff than we can ever use, but it doesn't stop us from getting more.

Some of the poorest people in the world are completely content and only possess bare necessities for living. I've met these loving, happy people... and they have nothing.

My mission for tomorrow is to purge, recycle and reclaim my space. Use it or lose it. More does NOT equal better. It's time to let a new vision shine through... to catch a breath of fresh air... to push back the walls and get rid of the claustrophobia.

The Bible says God will supply all of my needs. That I can be content no matter what the circumstance - whether in plenty or in want.

I'm ready to simplify. I can share generously from my excess... and maybe I'd better ignore those home-decorating channels.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Regrets... I've Had A Few

Today has been a race for survival. Scurrying from activity to activity and dealing with a headache that wouldn't quit... I was less than my best.

If I had a do-over, I'd:

1. Speak with kindness
2. Not let past confrontations cloud my judgment in today's conflict
3. Cut others some slack - they're dealing with stuff too
4. Take my coffee breaks
5. Remember my name is not Wonder Woman - I can't pull off that outfit!!! And it's not my job to solve all the world's problems.

So, tomorrow is a new day. God's mercies are new each morning. In a few minutes I'll close my eyes to get physical rest. But before that, I will confess my shortcomings and crawl into Jesus' arms for my spiritual rest. It is so sweet. Even better than the cheesecake tonight...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Late Night Lists

Another day draws to a close and although much has been accomplished, a new list must be created. I like to be organized and despite the current state of my home, there's generally a method to my madness.

There's immense satisfaction when I cross another project off the list. The items not completed get transferred to tomorrow's tasks. Decisions are made regarding the urgency of these jobs, and I'm learning to prioritize.

I do wonder, though, what would happen if everything was finished? Would I be bored?Would it take just another email or phone call to start the list again? What level of effort would be required to get the list done each day?

On some level, I think we're meant to have unfinished business. There's a reason to wake up each morning. Steps to take to keep moving forward.

There might be setbacks as we work, but daily determination and persistence will allow us to get closer to the goal.

God promised to keep working on me. Philippians 1:6 says, "I am confident of this very thing. That he who began a good work in me, will carry it on to COMPLETION until the day of Christ Jesus."

That's an encouraging thought...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Confronting Change

I like traditions. The comfort of sameness. Routines and habits.

However, the world never stops. Electronics are updated before you’ve even mastered the original version. There’s never a good time to buy a new cell phone, laptop, iPod or TV because a more amazing model is getting released… next month.

Friends go from single to married to having children and in the blink of an eye those kids are graduating high school. Loved ones develop health conditions or are lost to us through death.

Changes. Not always fun.

Today my boss assumed a new role. My world of familiarity has been upset. Some adjustments are required. New colleagues to learn to know and the disruption of current office friendships.

Some folks relish change. They don’t last long in relationships or job-hop endlessly… seeking the next thrill… whereas, I’m generally dragged into change. There has to be a good reason for moving forward or making mid-course corrections. Even so, I’m cautious. Worried. Stubborn.

In my head, I realize that good things can happen when you’re open to change. Challenges along with exciting opportunities. Depending on the outcome, I will eventually admit that the forward momentum achieved by taking a risk has been worth the struggle of the journey.

My thought is that God’s not very pleased with reticence to change. He asks us to step out in faith and promises to transform us. That can only be good, right?

God often uses unpleasant circumstances to draw us closer to Him. How we respond to these situations is a reflection of our fear or faith.

I’m learning to trust. To remember that He’s in control and has my best interest in mind. I don’t have to know the end from the beginning before stepping forth into new adventures… especially at work tomorrow!

Adjustment to

Friday, May 29, 2009

Rest And Peace

“Mentally blitzed” and “physically exhausted” are descriptors for the end of this work week. It’s as though every ounce of brain power has been drained and there’s no place for a quick refill!

Meetings, errands, and odd interruptions added to my frustration of not finishing a time-sensitive task today. That means finding a way to take care of business before Monday… on top of household chores and the planting project I put off as soon as I took a minute for supper tonight.

But first I must rest. Deep sleep will help. A book and bubble bath is on my list.

More importantly, I must go to God. He will carry my burdens… renew my mind… and provide needed strength. What a relief to let go of the stress when I spend time in prayer.

If I could rewind today, I’d begin by entering God’s presence and letting Him take care of each moment.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Plant's Gotta Grow

A momentous occasion occurred today. Those who truly know me will be shocked... Are you ready???

I purchased bedding plants without the company and advice of a qualified adult!! My local hardware store had the best prices and at the risk of throwing cold cash into the wind, I spent considerably less than $25 to get a little collection of wave petunias, portulaca and tomatoes.

This is a big deal. My black thumb is infamous. Give me a houseplant and it WILL die. It's only a matter of how long the little thing will struggle to remain green in my presence.

My ancestors grew things. Crops and flowers and trees. Fruit that could be harvested and made into jams and jellies and wonderful desserts. Grandma's tulips loved her so much they sprung forth from the earth while snow was still on the ground.

So, tomorrow after my day job is done for another week, I will get dirt under my fingernails and try this torture known as yard beautification.

Way back in high school biology class I learned that plants are programmed to grow and reproduce. God supplies the sun and rain and I'll thrown in a little TLC. Maybe this season will mark a turning point in my love/hate relationship with green things.

If people are supposed to bloom where they're planted, I wonder what the Gardener would say about me?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ordinary Day Made Special With Friends

Another busy day at work... the usual projects and interruptions... but made special by quick connections with friends.

Some people I've chosen to include in my world. Some have selected me! Still others that I work with - and we've gone way beyond the surface-y work stuff that colleagues share. These relationships are a blessing.

I've also enjoyed the snippets of information and comments from my Facebook friends - there's always something that makes me laugh as we desperately try to sum up a moment of the day for our status updates.

There was an incident today on another "social networking" site that bothered me. I signed up to be able to read blogs of some musicians I follow. Apparently mere mortals aren't allowed to get the news unless we're in "community!" Less than 20 minutes from the time I joined, I had a "friend request" from Tim in Florida.

Should I be flattered? Is he that desperate for friends? Or is this the new normal? Making online friends? Nothing that wrong with it, I guess.

Except that too often I don't take time to see the folks I love - those who live nearby - face to face! Nope. Just a quick email. Short phone calls have to make do. Too busy. Meetings each evening. Kids. Dogs. Sports. Forget about coffee together. Just won't happen.

Unless... you make the choice to act. Rearrange your schedule. Grab supper from a drive-thru and rent a movie. Drop in and make yourself at home. Even for a few hours. Make sure to give them a hug. Say, "thanks for being part of my world." Express appreciation for what they mean to you.

Yep, that's the better way to go. Life is short. Say what you need to say to your friends. Spend time together. Work will always be there... house and yardwork too.

I need to get back to basics and nourish my soul with the soothing rain of relationships. That's what's truly important.

If you hadn't guessed... I ignored Tim's friend request. His loss, Ha Ha!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Music of my Life

The thought of blogging has both intrigued and terrified me for some time now. It's crosse my mind that perhaps I really have nothing to say. And yet... what if I do? Would anyone read this? Can I make a difference with my words? Maybe just the act of blogging will allow for exploration of new ideas and clarify solutions to problems I'm facing.

Just a few words on the title of my blog. I've been known as "that girl" since my young niece was just figuring out that I usually attended family events but couldn't remember my name. She asked her mom if "that girl" was coming for supper. I was, and the name stuck.

As for the symphony... I love music and believe each of us has a part to play in creating beautiful harmony in our world. Sometimes the tempo is fast. Other times it's slow. Discordant notes find resolution. Sometimes there's a middle-aged tenor singing in Latin! But at some point, I choose to play the notes the composer has laid out specifically for me. When we're all following the Conductor, it's an awesome experience.

My symphony won't be finished until the fat lady sings (LAAAAA)... ha ha. I think the concert has been great so far!